tmkit  0.0.1-alpha1
A Task-Motion Planning Framework
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Table of Contents

This tutorial will show you how to use TMSMT for task-motion planning, by starting by using the Baxter robot to solve the Sussman Anomaly, a classic example planning problem involving rearranging several blocks. Then, you will modify the the problem, first by changing the goal positions of the blocks, next by changing the initial scene, and finally by addition additional task operators.

Basic Planner Use

In this tutorial, you will first see how to run the planner on the demo scene, then modify the scene with different goals and objects.


Setup and Invocation

  1. Obtain the baxter URDF, which describes the kinematics and geometry (meshes) of the robot.

    • If you already have an existing ROS installation, you can install the baxter_description ROS package, for example on ROS Indigo:
         sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-baxter-description
         export ROS_PACKAGE_PATH=/opt/ros/indigo/share
    • An existing ROS installation is not necessary, however, and you can install only the baxter URDF and meshes:
         git clone
         export ROS_PACKAGE_PATH=`pwd`/baxter_common

    Now, check that you can load the Baxter model. The following command will visualize the Baxter in the Amino viewer. Click and drag the mouse and to rotate the view, and zoom with the scroll wheel. Close the window the exit.

     aarxc --gui package://baxter_description/urdf/baxter.urdf
  2. Copy the example files into a working directory:
     mkdir baxter-blocks
     cp tmkit/demo/baxter-sussman/*.robray \
        tmkit/demo/baxter-sussman/q0.tmp \
        tmkit/demo/domains/blocksworld/tm-blocks.* \
  3. Visualize the initial scene, defined by the Baxter URDF and example scene (*.robray) files. You should see the Baxter, a table, and some blocks.
    cd baxter-blocks
    aarxc --gui package://baxter_description/urdf/baxter.urdf sussman-0.robray
  4. Run the planner command on the example problem.

     tmsmt package://baxter_description/urdf/baxter.urdf \
           sussman-0.robray \
           allowed-collision.robray \
           tm-blocks.pddl \
           -q q0.tmp \
           -g sussman-1.robray  \
           -o baxter-sussman.tmp

    This commands takes a number of inputs and options:

    • package://baxter_description/urdf/baxter.urdf: A scene description (for the robot) for the start scene in URDF format
    • sussman-0.robray: a scene description for the start scene in scene file format
    • allowed-collision.robray: an additional scene description contained the allowable collisions
    • tm-blocks.pddl: The task operators file
    • The domain somantics file
    • -q q0.tmp: The initial configuration
    • -g sussman-1.robray: The goal scene
    • -o baxter-sussman.tmp: The output file plan file
  5. Load and view the computed plan:

     tmsmt package://baxter_description/urdf/baxter.urdf \
           sussman-0.robray \
           allowed-collision.robray \
           baxter-sussman.tmp \

    This command takes as parameters the initial scene (*.urdf and *.robray files) along with the previously computed plan file baxter-sussman.tmp. The --gui option will display the plan in a 3D visualization.

Changing the goal

Next, we will change the goal for the task-motion planning problem. The goal is specified as an Amino Scene File.

  1. Copy and edit the goal scene:
     cp sussman-1.robray sussman-reversed.robray
     vi sussman-reversed.robray
  2. Change the file so that the stacking order is reversed, with block C on Block B and Block B on Block A:
     /* include common definitions for blocks */
     include "class.robray"
     /* the kinematic frame for block "C" */
     frame block_c {
         parent block_b;  // the parent from of block_c is block_b
         geometry {
             isa block; // geometry class for blocks
     /* the kinematic frame for block "B" */
     frame block_b {
         parent block_a;  // the parent frame of block_b is block_a
         geometry {
             isa block; // geometry class for blocks
  3. Re-execute the planner and visualize the plan:
     tmsmt package://baxter_description/urdf/baxter.urdf \
           sussman-0.robray \
           allowed-collision.robray \
           tm-blocks.pddl \
           -q q0.tmp \
           -g sussman-reversed.robray  \
           -o baxter-sussman-reversed.tmp \

Changing the scene

Next, we will change both the start and goal scenes, also specified with as Amino Scene Files.

  1. Copy and edit the start scene:
     cp sussman-0.robray 4-blocks-start.robray
     vi 4-blocks-start.robray
  2. Add an additional block:
     /* the kinematic frame for block "D" */
     frame block_d {
         parent block_b; // block_d is initially on block_b
         /* set the height of block_d above block_b */
         translation [0, 0, block_stack];
         geometry {
             isa block;
             color [0,1,1]; // block_d is cyan
  3. View the new scene:
     aarxc --gui  package://baxter_description/urdf/baxter.urdf 4-blocks-start.robray
  4. Copy and edit the goal scene:
     cp sussman-1.tmp 4-blocks-goal.robray
     vi 4-blocks-goal.robray
  5. Add the additional block:
     frame block_d {
         parent block_a; // block "D" is stacked on block "A"
         /* set the relative height of block "D" */
         translation [0, 0, block_stack];
         geometry {
             isa block;
  6. Execute the planner
     tmsmt package://baxter_description/urdf/baxter.urdf \
           4-blocks-start.robray \
           allowed-collision.robray \
           tm-blocks.pddl \
           -q q0.tmp \
           -g 4-blocks-goal.robray  \
           -o 4-blocks.tmp \

Extending the Task Domain

This tutorial demonstrates adding pure task operators. You will add operators to enable and disable a safety light. Then, you will modify the other preconditions to ensure that the robot only moves with the safety light on.


Extend the Operators File

  1. Copy the original operators file and edit:
     cp tm-blocks.pddl tm-blocks-light.pddl
     vi tm-blocks-light.pddl
  2. Add the following predicate for the safety light:
  3. Add an operator to turn on the safety light:
     (:action enable-motion
              :parameters ()
              :effect (and (safety-light)))
  1. Add an operator to turn off the safety light:
     (:action disable-motion
              :parameters ()
              :effect (and (not (safety-light))))
  2. Require the safety light to be on during motion by adding the (safety-light) predicate to the precondition of each motion action (pick-up, stack, etc.).

Extend the Goal Condition

  1. Create a new facts file with the additional goal condition:
     vi light-goal.pddl
  2. Add the following PDDL declarations:
     (define (problem sussman-anomaly)
       (:domain blocks)
       (:goal (not (safety-light))))

Run the planner

tmsmt package://baxter_description/urdf/baxter.urdf \
      sussman-0.robray \
      allowed-collision.robray \
      tm-blocks-light.pddl \
      light-goal.pddl \ \
      -q q0.tmp \
      -g baxter-sussman/sussman-1.robray  \
      -o baxter-sussman-light.tmp \
      --gui \

Extending the Task-Motion Domain

This tutorial demonstrates adding new task-motion operators. You will add an operator to push a button when the robot finishes its task. In addition to creating the PDDL operator defintion as in the previous tutorial, you will also define the semantics of the operator: how to compute a motion plan for the operator. These domain semantics are defined as Python functions.


Add button geometry

Create the additional frames and geometry for the button that the robot will push.

  1. Copy and edit the start scene:
     cp sussman-0.robray sussman-extend.robray
     vi sussman-extend.robray
  2. Add the button geometry to sussman-extend.robray:
     def button_height .05;
     frame button_base {
         parent front_table;
         translation [-.3, -.3, button_height/2];
         geometry {
             shape box;
             dimension [.1, .1, button_height];
             color [.5, .5, .5];
     frame button {
         parent button_base;
         translation [0, 0, button_height/2];
         geometry {
             shape cylinder;
             radius .025;
             height .03;
             color [1, 0, 0 ];

Extend the Operators File

Modify the operators file with an additional operator to push the button and a predicate indicating button state.

  1. Copy and edit the operators file:
     cp tm-blocks.pddl tm-blocks-extend.pddl
     vi tm-blocks-extend.pddl
  2. Add an additional predicate (running).
  3. For each action, add (running) to the set of preconditions.
  4. Add an additional action to push the button:
     (:action push-button
               :parameters ()
               :precondition (and (handempty) (running))
               :effect (and (not (running))))

Add an Additional Facts File

Add additional start state and goal conditions for the button.

  1. Edit a new facts file:
     vi extended-facts.pddl
  2. Set the start and goal as follows:
     (define (problem itmp) (:domain blocks)
      ;; Start: running is true
      (:init (running))
      ;; Goal: running is false
      (:goal (not (running))))

Extend the Domain Semantics

Create the refinement function for the push-button action.

  1. Copy and edit the domain semantics:
  2. Create a new refinement function:
     def op_push_button(scene, config, op):
         # wrap start scene and configuration
         nop = tm.op_nop(scene,config)
         # compute the workspace goal, i.e., the button'spose
         ws_goal = tm.op_tf_abs(nop,"button")
         # compute a motion plan to push the button
         return motion_plan(nop, FRAME, tm.op_tf_abs(nop,"button"))
  3. Bind the refinement function
     # Bind the refinement function for the PUSH-Button operator
     tm.bind_refine_operator(op_push_button, "PUSH-BUTTON")

Run the Planner

tmsmt package://baxter_description/urdf/baxter.urdf \
       sussman-extend-0.robray \
       allowed-collision.robray \
       tm-blocks-extend.pddl \
       extended-facts.pddl \ \
       -q q0.tmp \
       -g sussman-1.robray  \
       -o baxter-sussman-extend.tmp \